Neo-noir Drama: Fiction & Non-fiction

A depression brought me to a suicide (attempt).

Now, I fight mental health taboos and support suicide prevention in my writing about… Life!

I write under a pen name because my business would suffer if clients, suppliers, and even friends would know.

Taboos, taboos, taboos!

Thanks for your support!

My Books


Kinky & Inspirational Adventures of a Ridesharing Driver in Miami

A collection of short stories about the mysteries of humankind!

While seeking to get back on my feet after a suicide struggle, I killed time as a ridesharing driver. It led me to rediscover human nature.

I got to interact with the best and the worst of humankind, observe the seven deadly sins and seven corresponding virtues, engage with generous poor people, face greedy rich bastards, visit secluded neighborhoods, transport half-naked men & women, survive rude passengers, and have the most incongruous conversations. It gave me sharp images of what I wanted – and didn’t want – for the rest of my life.

Bonus chapter: How to be a considerate ridesharing passenger.


Suicide Lessons For The Soul

Prior to my well-planned suicide attempt, which very nearly succeeded, my life was like skiing downhill off a steep cliff with a pair of depression skis. My suicide attempt, which failed only because of a desperate last minute action by an otherwise well intended friend, changed my life for the better. At the bottom of this steep hill, I was able to regenerate myself and start hiking back up, on a much better path.

I share in this book what suicide thought me about life – what I have experienced and learned – in the hope of helping others find that uphill path before crashing at the bottom of the hill. We can stop the downhill trajectory of depression.

Secondly, I write this book for those who have to cope with suicidal friends or relatives and who genuinely want to help. Telling friends to ‘seek help’ or to ‘get their act together’ is not enough. In fact, it can be very counterproductive.

Today, let’s reach out to at least one friend to check out on them before it’s too late.
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